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A large group of people standing in front of a big, white house.
Photo: Nasrine Olson

MuseIT Consortium Meeting in Scotland

ShareMusic is involved in the project MuseIT, which is co-funded by the European Union. In the project, all partners meet regularly in so-called Consortium Meetings. This time it was time to gather in Scotland.

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The meeting was divided into two parts; first, all partners met in Edinburgh, where ShareMusic co-organised a workshop to which an Edinburgh ensemble was invited to participate. This is part of the work on the development of the Remote Performance Platform. 

Opportunity to test sensors

Sophia in Scotland. Photo: ShareMusic

ShareMusic's Director and Artistic Director Sophia, who attended the meeting in Scotland, will provide further details:

- The workshop brought together a group of musicians who had the opportunity to test different types of haptic sensors - something we are currently exploring in the Remote Performance Platform. They also worked with heart rates, similar to what we previously did during a session in Gothenburg. As MuseIT is a research project, it's important to repeat the experiments to observe what happens and identify differences and similarities. So it was very exciting.

 The project team visited St Cecilia's Hall, a music museum and concert venue, where a workshop focused on haptics took place. Sophia shares that it was very rewarding to see what everyone else involved in the project is doing and how far they have come. Among other things, some colleagues presented their work on a virtual museum. The group then travelled an hour south from Edinburgh to Traquair, Scotland's oldest inhabited castle, where they worked intensively for the next two days.

Nigel Osborne with two musicians. Photo: ShareMusic
- It was cool to work on a technology-oriented project in a very old and analogue environment. During these days we talked a lot about where we are in the project and about the next step which is to start disseminating the results of the project.

Great partner colleagues

Sophia mentions that she has gained a true understanding of what they can achieve in the project. Although they might not accomplish everything they desire, she hopes that ShareMusic, along with the other partners, will continue to develop the platform they are working on. Sophia is happy to be collaborating with such great partner colleagues and appreciates that they all bring diverse skills and experiences to the project, creating incredible synergies.

MuseIT is co-funded by the European Union


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